
游客2024-11-06  13

问题     佐餐可用酒,亦可用茶。要我说,还是用书最好。以书佐餐,讲究相映成趣。书中文字,手中之食。我原来从不相信看书能把人看饿了,等接触到《饮食男女》之类的作品,才真正知道,光凭文字就能把人的馋虫给勾出来。佐餐之书以唐鲁孙、梁实秋、汪曾祺三位先生为佳。他们把写书的小道化成了人间的大道,文章千古事,大概就是如此。所以不妨简而化之,取清水、馒头,食物的味道淡了,反而能吃出书里的滋味。


答案 A dinner can be served with wine, and tea as well. In my mind, it’s the best to go with books which should be carefully selected to cater for the food. The words in your book should be compatible with the food in your hand. I never believed that reading can stimulate people’s appetite until I read such books as Diet of Human Being, and then I realize that, believe it or not, written words alone are delicious enough to make people mouthwatering. The best companions include books written by Tang Lusun, Liang Shiqiu or Wang Zengqi. These masters outline universal principles in confined pages, probably as the saying goes, articles endure through the ages. Therefore, it is advisable to slim the meal down to water and steamed buns as lighter flavor in food help the aroma of ink stand out.

解析 1.本文选自戴正阳的散文《不想讨好全世界》,全文由八句话组成,语言轻松幽默,每句话皆由多个短句构成,在翻译成应注意根据文章意思和逻辑结构整合句子,使之符合英文的语言习惯。
2.第一句的“佐餐”一词多次出现,可用serve、accompany或者go with,为避免用词重复,此句用serve,下文用go with。
3.第二句和第三句均提到用书佐餐,可以考虑整合为一句。第三句中的“以书佐餐,讲究相映成趣”,指书要精心挑选,与所吃食物相互迎合,可作为上一句中the books的定语从句,译为which should be carefullyselected to cater for the food。
4.第四句没有谓语,根据上下文可知,这句话的意思是“书中文字”与“手中之食”相得益彰,可译为The wordsin your book should be compatible with the food in your hand。
5.第五句较长,翻译时要注意分析句子的内部结构。“从不相信……,等接触到……才知道”,可译为I neverbelieved...until,and then I realize….“光凭文字就能把人的馋虫给勾出来”,为了强调仅仅是由于文字的吸引力,可插入believe it or not这一短语,使文章语言更生动。“把人的馋虫给勾出来”指的是文字令人垂涎三尺,可译为make people mouthwatering。
6.第七句中有诸如“写书的小道化成人间的大道”及“文章千古事”这类中文特有的表达方式,翻译时要根据文章意思进行转换,此处小道和大道是比喻的说法,不可直译为path或者road。“人间的大道”指“放之四海皆准的大道理”,可译为universal principle,而“小道”指写书这类不起眼的小职业,译文此处意译为confinedpages,从而与universal principle形成对照,“化成”根据pages一词的语境,选用outline一词。“文章千古事”意思是文章是传之千古的事业,可译为articles endure through the ages或套用英语的名言life isshort,and art is long,译文选用了前者,兼顾前文的pages,正好形成一对押韵词。
7.最后一句由多个短句构成,为使句子更通顺,可对信息进行重组,前两个短句为一个意群,“取清水、馒头”是“简而化之”的结果,“简而化之”暗含的主语其实是“餐”,考虑到搭配,选用slim the dinner down towater and steamed buns的结构将三者关系表示出来。后一个意群可看作是前一个意群的原因,故选用as作连接。