Marketing furniture to the public can be challenging for a small business own

游客2024-06-20  2

问题    Marketing furniture to the public can be challenging for a small business owner. Consumers buy furniture pieces only occasionally. However, there are several furniture promotion ideas that can be used to help you reach your target market.
   One thing you can do is to talk with real estate(房地产)agents to allow you to display your furniture in a new home or open house setting. This is a good way to reach a key target market—new home buyers—who may need new furniture for their future homes. Increasing foot traffic(顾客流量)is also important for a furniture store. To get more people to the store, you can advertise a raffle event(抽奖活动). This event can be promoted in your local media and through direct mail campaigns or front door advertisements to generate more interest.
   In tough economic times, small business owners often suffer most as a result of slow consumer spending. To fight back against this, you have to make it easier for your customers to buy furniture. If you can, offer in-store financing, or drop the interest rate on your company’s credit terms. Consider lowering your prices and holding two-for-one events to arouse more consumer interest. [br] Why is it a challenge for small businesses to sell furniture to the public?

选项 A、The style of furniture changes fast.
B、Their furniture is often old-fashioned.
C、People buy furniture only occasionally.
D、The public’s taste for furniture is different.

答案 C

解析 细节推断题。根据题干中的关键词challenge for small businesses和furniture to the public定位到文章第一段第一句。文章开头第一句指出,对于小型家具经销商来说,向大众推销家具很有挑战性。第二句接着指出其原因:消费者只是偶尔购买家具。实际上,这两句之间存在因果关系,前果后因。综合以上分析,可以确定C)“人们只是偶尔购买家具”为本题的答案。